Blog, Summer of Impact, Videos
Narrative 4 Summer of Impact presents “migraré: Reading and Roundtable”

“migraré translated: I will move.
“Every moment in the grand march of history is sacred and exciting. But there is no moment as sacred and exciting as the moment of Now. Today we can choose to remain calcified and static and frozen in who we think we are, in old identities, in old models. Or, we can move into the creation of new languages of being, new structures of being, new ways of seeing into each other’s suffering and into each other’s beauty. Not only can we do these things, we can save ourselves in the process, redeem ourselves in the sanctity of brother, sister, neighbor, planet, place, family.”
—Darrell Bourque, author of migraré
Watch N4 founding artist and poet Darrell Bourque in conversations with painter Bill Gingles, N4 Master Practitioner and poet Faisal Mohyuddin, N4 board chair and co-founder of the Telos Group, Greg Khalil, and N4 Global Student Ambassador Malak Lahham.
Read migraré by Darrell Bourque
Read The Displaced Children Of Displaced Children by Faisal Mohyuddin
Check out the work of painter Bill Gingles
Learn more about the Telos Group
The Narrative 4 Summer of Impact is generously underwritten by Karen Hollins and The Elizabeth Foundation.