Make us a part
of your story
Join our diverse, multi-talented team as we break down barriers, shatter stereotypes, and build community through the power of storytelling.

Our values define the
work we do and the culture that unites us

Our values
Iron sharpens iron. Empathy inspires empathy. So we listen
to others and ask them to do the same for us.
The challenges we face require strength and bravery.
Courage is contagious.
We want to know about the world, starting with the people in it. So we love learning other people’s stories.
Our work is like a fire. Our passion keeps it lit. We strive for excellence and inspire others to do the same.

I am extremely excited to work for Narrative 4 and
Taelor Lewis, Midwest Regional Manager
to be a part of a team that is working to help students understand their voices, stories, actions, and that
their lives matter.

The work of Narrative 4 is rooted in the notion
Ru Freeman, Artists Network Director
that there are innumerable voices that speak of different, even divergent, journeys that can be
unified by one singular principle: generosity of
spirit toward one another.

By growing N4’s community and maintaining our ethos of collaboration, we will expand teachers’ and students’ vision of what is possible for themselves and others, moving from a deficit perspective in U.S. education to one of abundance.
Margaret LaRaia, Learning Resources Director
Make a Difference. Have Some Fun. Join Our Team.
Help foster connections in classrooms around the world,
one student at a time.