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Blog, Field Exchange

Narrative 4 Steals the Show on BronxNet’s Open: “100 times ‘Yes’”

YES!  YES!  YES! YES!  YES!  Echoing Narrative 4’s theme of “Yes” for our 10th anniversary, a Bronx student was asked if she’d recommend Narrative 4 to other schools around the world, and said: “A hundred times: yes!”   

Obianuju Obumneme-Akaneme was flanked by N4’s Lee Keylock and the host of the BronxNet Open program, Kibin Alleyne, when she made the resounding endorsement of N4’s work. “N4 has helped me further my deep listening skills. It has broadened my curiosity, making me question more things.” 

“Stories sway the hearts of people, which is truly beautiful,” she said, praising N4’s mission of using the power of storytelling to create change and foster compassion. 

The show confirmed that N4 is continually dreaming big. When Kibin asked about Lee’s hopes for N4’s future, our Director of Global Programs replied: “We hope to be in every school in the world.” 

Watch the full Open, BronxNet interview here

BronxNet Open’s host, Kibin Alleyne, speaks with Lee Keylock, N4 Director of Global Programs, and Obianuju Obumneme-Akaneme, University Heights High School student and N4 Ambassador.