On The Bounce!

Story Exchanges help Trinity College Women’s Basketball build teamwork on the court – and off.
Players on the Trinity College Women’s basketball team in Hartford, Connecticut participated in a Story Exchange. The Tigers swapped stories covering a playbook of topics, from times when someone believed in them, moments of embarrassment in childhood, or when they witnessed an act of compassion. In just a few short hours, these remarkable young women learned more about themselves and each other than they had in several seasons. Thanks to Story Exchanges, they have become more connected on the court — and compassionate in the game of life.
Jen McCool, N4’s Northeast Regional Manager, shared her view of The Tigers’ N4 Story Exchange experience:
“Some of the women knew each other, but several of them commented on the fact that, despite playing with each other for a year or two, they didn’t really know each other on a deeper level. One player said that she left the N4 Story Exchange more aware of her teammates’ lives beyond practices and game days. That awareness, she felt, would allow her to understand when someone had an “off” practice or bit of an attitude. Participants also found that sharing stories allowed them to discover things they had in common, leading to stronger bonds and more meaningful connections. It was an enriching experience for everyone!”
One player said that she left the N4 Story Exchange more aware of her teammates’ lives beyond practices and game days.
– Jen McCool, N4 Northeast Regional Manager