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Blog, N4 Ireland

Peace is Possible

Narrative 4 celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement with students across the United Kingdom and Ireland. 

Narrative 4 was thrilled to be part of “Good Relations Week” at Malone Integrated College in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which celebrated a two year programme of the students engaging with their local community.

“We were delighted to partner with Malone Integrated College earlier this year in a project called ‘The Possible’ which celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement,” said Dr James Lawlor Director of Narrative 4, Ireland. 

“The students got to connect with each other virtually and learn about each other’s lives and also learn about the legacy of the Good Friday Peace Agreement.” Malone Integrated College welcomes students from all backgrounds and religions with an ethos of diversity and inclusion. The importance of integrated education was recognized in the Good Friday Agreement and can play a significant role in the promotion of tolerance. 

A mural created by the students celebrating the 25th anniversary of the school’s establishment and 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement which brought peace to Northern Ireland.