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Blog, N4 Africa

Well-being in Nigeria

Narrative 4 hosts our first large-scale event in Africa, connecting more than 250 students during “Well-Being Weekend” at Day Waterman College in Abeokuta, Nigeria.

When you gather 270 Nigerian college students, you better believe lots of interesting stories will be exchanged. On Friday, October 6, Narrative 4 partnered with Day Waterman College in Abeokuta, Okun State, Nigeria, for their annual “Well-being Weekend,” kicking off the festivities with a Story Exchange session. 

This was our first large-scale event in Africa, and it helped the students replenish their energy and find balance in their academic lives. 

Students were grouped across different grades, giving them the chance to relate with students from other levels. Staff participated in the exchanges too. With Story Exchanges as their cornerstone, “Well-being Weekend” helped students understand themselves better and appreciate their shared humanity.

Students sitting in circles for the Story Exchange