Blog, N4 Mexico
Telling “La Historia Del Sí” at Our First-Ever Mexico Summit!

Hundreds of attendees gathered for three inspiring days at the Universidad del Noreste, October 17-19, in Tampico, Mexico. Guests at our first-ever national summit in Mexico experienced first-hand “La Historia del SÍ” (The Story of Yes).
Lee Keylock, Director of Global Programs, kicked off the event with a powerful presentation on saying “Yes,” while Lisa Consiglio, Co-Founder and CEO, and Colum McCann, Co-Founder and President, shared Narrative 4’s origin story and exciting future during a virtual presentation.
The summit was highlighted by a virtual Story Exchange between Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, and Universidad del Noreste; and community workshops on “Yes you can: believe in yourself,” “Make it happen: the importance of yes,” “Yes to inclusion: intro to LSM (Mexican sign language),” and “Telling myself yes: a self care workshop.”
The events concluded with a closing conference themed “It’s brave to say yes” led by Mónica Luengas, Chief Growth and Outreach Officer at Universidad del Noreste (UNE). Monica has also been an executive board member at UNE since 2020. During her career, she has collaborated in different roles in the banking industry, NGOs, and marketing firms where she applied Lean methodology to improve organizational performance. Additionally, Mónica has extensive teaching experience in various institutions at the secondary and undergraduate levels. Her varied personal and professional experiences made this session insightful and engaging for participants of all ages and walks of life.
“Narrative 4 Mexico is alive, well, and flourishing thanks to our incredible team, our incredible community, and our incredible partner – the formidable Universidad del Noreste,” said Maru Castañeda, Operation Manager Mexico. “Muchas gracias a todos!”