Inspiring Young Minds: An Artist’s Letter Exchange with Students in Zambia

In Lusaka, Zambia, Kabulonga Secondary School students participated in a transformative cultural exchange with Maud Kamwengo-Mkangaza, a dedicated teacher, and Valerie Striar, an interdisciplinary artist from Brooklyn. Their collaboration began at the 2023 Narrative 4 Summit in New York City, sparked by Maud’s passion for art and storytelling. Valerie shared her artistic journey with the students through a letter exchange, offering an Artist’s Timeline, performance photos, and insights into international artists who influenced her work. In return, the students wrote heartfelt letters about their lives in Zambia, their culture, and their aspirations, with some expressing a desire to dance professionally.
As the exchange unfolded, Maud led the students through a Story Exchange focused on bullying and social class. The activity was emotional and transformative, helping the students connect deeply with one another. One girl courageously shared her struggles with epilepsy, bullying, and discrimination, encouraging her classmates to be kind and avoid judgment. This exchange led to stronger bonds and empathy within the class, with one student aspiring to become an N4 facilitator, reflecting the principles of Narrative 4 taking root.
The project also supported English composition writing objectives by encouraging students to explore multiple art forms. It was a refreshing and inspiring experience for the students, whose education is typically limited to one artistic discipline. They learned about storytelling, music, and crafts while improving their English and writing skills.
In late spring, the students, Maud, co-teacher Monica, and collaborators gathered on Zoom for their first face-to-face meeting. It was a joyous occasion, with students sharing their reflections on the exchange and presenting artistic responses: a poem about Zambian independence, a play telling the story of a family suffering from war, and a song celebrating Zambia’s diverse cultures. The performances were deeply moving, showcasing the students’ talent and commitment.
Looking forward, Valerie envisions the students continuing to explore their stories through art and presenting their work to the community. Their creativity is limitless, and their potential to inspire is immense. Maud and Monica’s dedication to their students was clear, and Valerie found great joy in supporting the students’ growth through art. This exchange not only connected them across continents but also laid the foundation for future collaborations, with dreams of visiting each other’s countries and sharing stories, food, and friendships.
The collaboration was a deeply fulfilling experience, fostering empathy, creativity, and cultural exchange that transcends borders. It’s an ongoing journey, with much more to come.