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The Value of Community

There’s an idea that we’re hopelessly divided, that our differences are far more important than our commonalities. That no amount of discourse can help us find common ground, see the common good. But I’ve seen enough of the world to know that’s not true.

—David Adams, CEO, The Urban Assembly
David Adams, CEO, The Urban Assembly, speaks about the value of community.

When Narrative 4 was first dreamed up by its co-founders Lisa Consiglio and Colum McCann, they asked: “What is the highest aim of storytelling and how can we harness that energy to transform the world?”⁣

This week, on our social media channels, we’re highlighting the stories of the students, educators, artists, and supporters who are bringing their vision to life. ⁣

Check out this sneak peak from David Adams, CEO of The Urban Assembly! And be sure to follow us on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and LinkedIn for more stories from the global N4 community.