Introducing N4’s New Facilitator Training
N4 Directors, Regional Managers, Associates and Lead Trainers—in total 23 members of the growing N4 family—gathered together in Hartford, CT over 3 days in May to immerse themselves in N4’s newest, Facilitator Training, a special training designed for educators, administrators, corporate employees, students, artists, or community organizers interested in developing their leadership and group facilitation skills through leading the N4 Story Exchange.
As N4 approaches its 10 year anniversary, the team took this time to revisit, update and reinvigorate training, incorporating Emotional Intelligence (EI) ideas and practices in efforts to broaden N4’s reach to train even more facilitators in the N4 Story Exchange. With some help from our friends at The Noble Group, an organization which helps promote sustainable and thriving communities through the power of emotional intelligence (EI), the N4 team delved deep into the tenets of leadership guided by self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
With some dancing, karaoke singing and play all mixed in, the retreat ensured our team is well-versed in the EI leadership and training skills needed to guide, coach and mentor future N4 Facilitators in the transformative, compassion-building Story Exchange. Heading it all up was Lee Keylock, N4 Director of Global Programs, who reflected on the new training, “It was a great success,” he said, “We can’t wait to roll it out to all!”