Nominate a school to be part of the Narrative 4 National Schools Network - a cohort of K-12 schools in the U.S. that are leveraging storytelling to overcome the loneliness epidemic! Nominate a School

Celebrating The Incredible Women of N4!

Honoring our Educators, Artists, Community Partners, and more this Women’s History Month

This month, we’ve asked our staff to nominate some of the amazing women working within the Narrative 4 community, to uplift their work and express our sincere appreciation for their commitment to N4’s core beliefs.

These women truly embody compassionate change-making in the world and are doing the work to build support and connection in their communities. Read about how they’ve partnered with Narrative 4 below and consider making a small donation in honor of your own inspirational woman!

Deborah Taffa

N4 Artist

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“I always tell people that storytelling is one of the most natural things that we do.”

Georgia Ana Gochicoa

N4 Educator

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“I think it is very important for students to be able to experience firsthand that they are capable of doing something valuable for people in need”

Talamieka Brice

N4 Artist

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“I love the authenticity and vulnerability of [Narrative 4]. It encourages folks to get through the glamorous shells we polish for the world to see and forces us to move beyond the surface… to the heart.”

MiShaune Blanks

N4 Educator

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“I saw firsthand how storytelling can help us to understand each other better and foster a sense of understanding, care and compassion.”

Kat Holstlaw

Narrative 4 Community Partner

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“N4 has allowed us to build a sense of community and has established connections between peers and staff that wouldn’t have been possible [before]…every youth should feel supported during their journey.”

Dr. Diane Courington

N4 Educator

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“Through my work, I strive to create a safe and inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and supported.”

Leah Flack

N4 Educator

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“Stories have made all the best things in my life possible, so it is my mission to make that transformational potential of stories as widely accessible as I can to as many people as possible, including those who least expect it.”

Ann Diederich

N4 Community Partner

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“I’ve seen so many enduring relationships come out of these exchanges that have transformed individuals and given the participants a sense of new possibility.”

Shokoufeh Sakhi

N4 Educator and Activist

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“By sharing our story and retelling each other’s stories, suddenly that person in front of me fills up with humanness and experience, sense and emotion. It’s not just a surface anymore.”

Ann Law

N4 Artist

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“[Narrative 4 allows us to be] able to be present in real time so that we can understand that judgment prevents us from connecting”

Mayra Valle

N4 Community Partner

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“When students share stories of resilience, challenges, problem solving, personal passions, and successes, they affirm a part of themselves that often is silenced.”

Tracy Randolph

N4 Educator

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“Sharing another person’s story…you are invested in sharing that person’s experience as if it were your own”

Want to Honor Your Own Woman Hero?

Make a donation and share her story with us this Women’s History Month! 

We’ll feature your stories in our next newsletter and on our social media pages!