Resources for the classroom and beyond!
Arts Integration
Art Reflection, Noticing Thoughts and Feelings
How can art be a tool that allows us to pause, notice, and reflect?
Skill Building
Discussion Questions Around Self Awareness
What can we recognize about our own self awareness through talking to others?
Skill Building
Discussion Questions Around Self Management
What can we recognize about our own self management through talking to others?
Skill Building
Discussion Questions Around Relationship Skills
What can we recognize about our own relationship skills through talking to others?
Skill Building
Discussion Questions Around Responsible Decision Making
What can we recognize about our own decision making through talking to others?
Skill Building
Concentric Circles
How can we use deep listening skills to engage with the people around us?
Skill Building
Orienting in Space and Time
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Skill Building
RAIN Meditation
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Skill Building
Smile and Shake
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Skill Building
Goal Setting
How does setting goals help us to make positive changes in our lives?
Arts Integration
Collage, Remix and Montage
How can we use materials from the world around to collage, montage or remix?
Skill Building
Telling Stories From First Person Perspective
How can the point of view of a storyteller change the way a story is told?