Resources for the classroom and beyond!
Story Exchange
Master List of Prompts
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Skill Building
RAIN Meditation
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Skill Building
Smile and Shake
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Arts Integration
Collage, Remix and Montage
How can we use materials from the world around to collage, montage or remix?
Arts Integration
Art Reflection, Noticing Thoughts and Feelings
How can art be a tool that allows us to pause, notice, and reflect?
Arts Integration
Drawing to Understand, Observe, Then Simplify
What can happen in our brain when we use art to make sense of the world around us?
Narrative 4 Reads
Apeirogon Book Companion
How can we use literature and text to explore common themes, particularly around current events?
Story Exchange
Story Exchange Checklist
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Story Exchange
Facilitator Toolkit
What are some basic facilitation best practices I should know more about?
Story Exchange
Story Exchange Safety and Consent Toolkit
How can I work to ensure the story exchange is safe for all participants?
Skill Building
Orienting in Space and Time
How can mindfulness practices help us self regulate?
Story Exchange
Story Mapping for Story Exchange
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?