Resources for the classroom and beyond!
Story Exchange
Art Exchange
How can the art story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Skill Building
Milling With Open Sentences
How can brief interactions with people in our community change our perception of one another?
Skill Building
5 Ways of Perceiving Listening
How can we reflect on different ways we receive information while listening? During this lesson students will practice deep listening…
Best Practices
How Observation Inspires Art
How does the world around us inspire curiosity and creation? This article, written by Colm Mac Con Iomaire explores his…
Best Practices
Pairing Read Aloud with the Story Exchange
How can we use mentor texts to connect students to the story exchange and story exchange prompts? In this article,…
Best Practices
How to Dig Deeper Into Students Strengths
What questions can we present to students to have a better overall understanding of who they are and how they…
Best Practices
Artifact of the Week
How can students explore real world experiences and stories? In this article, Nicole Walker walks us through a process of…
Skill Building
Partner Interview
How can use curiosity to develop questions that allow us to learn about others?
Story Exchange
Object Exchange Lesson Plan
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Skill Building
Introduction to Narrative 4
How can Narrative 4’s mission and vision support our community?
Skill Building
Creating Community Agreements
How do shared community norms or agreements change how we care for each other in our communities?
Skill Building
Deep Listening Reflection
What can we learn about ourselves through investigating how we listen to others?