Resources for the classroom and beyond!
Story Exchange
Story Exchange Lesson Plan
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Story Exchange
Object Exchange Lesson Plan
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Skill Building
Discussion Questions Around Responsible Decision Making
What can we recognize about our own decision making through talking to others?
Arts Integration
Drawing to Understand, Observe, Then Simplify
What can happen in our brain when we use art to make sense of the world around us?
Story Exchange
Facilitator Toolkit
What are some basic facilitation best practices I should know more about?
Story Exchange
Story Exchange Safety and Consent Toolkit
How can I work to ensure the story exchange is safe for all participants?
Story Exchange
Master List of Prompts
How can the story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?
Story Exchange
Art Exchange
How can the art story exchange deepen our connection to others in our community?