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Introduction to Narrative 4

Skill Building

K-5 Grade

6-8 Grade

9-12 Grade

20 Mins

Resource author: Narrative 4

How can Narrative 4’s mission and vision support our community?

During this lesson students will be introduced to the nonprofit organization Narrative 4. They will become familiar with Narrative 4’s mission and vision, as well as the story exchange process.

Learning Outcomes

Students will be introduced to Narrative 4’s mission/vision and the N4 story exchange.

Students will learn N4’s definitions of empathy and compassion.


  • Narrative 4 Introduction Video

Preview Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

  • Say: Raise your hand if you have ever heard of the organization Narrative 4. Raise your hand if you have ever participated in a story exchange.
    • Allow any students with familiarity with Narrative 4 or the story exchange to share out.
  • Say: Narrative 4 is an organization that uses tools such as perspective taking and storytelling to lead to greater compassion and connection in communities around the globe. They do this primarily through something called the Story Exchange. We’re going to watch a video to see an example of a Story Exchange.