Modified Story Exchange
How can stories bring us closer to people in our communities?
During this activity, students will use deep listening skills to engage in a modified version of the story exchange. In pairs and then in smaller groups, students will exchange stories, then create a small group to retell their stories. They will *not* be led by a Narrative 4 facilitator.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to share a personal narrative based on a specific prompt
Students will be able to deeply listen to their partner's story to retell their story from the first person perspective.
- Writing materials
- Paper
- List of student pairs
- Example Prompt: Choose an object you have with you. Tell a story about a memory sparked by this object.
Preview Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Opening Deep Listening Activity
10 minutes
- Say: Today you will experience your first taste of the story exchange. Before we begin, it is important for us to take some time to practice and explore our ability to listen to someone deeply.
- Pair students. If possible, pair students with the person they interviewed in Activity 3 (Partner Interview).
- Say: Decide who will be the speaker and who will be the listener first. In your pairs, you will each have 2 minutes to respond to the following question: What’s something you are passionate about that you wish someone would listen to you speak about? The speaker will have two minutes to respond to the prompt by speaking to their partner. The listener will just practice listening deeply. After two minutes they will respond using the following sentence stems: