Home / Community Events / Climate of Emotions at NYC Climate Week ’24

Climate of Emotions at NYC Climate Week ’24

Date: September 23, 2024

Venue: Peer Space / 15 W 39th St 10 Floor, New York, NY 10018



Could your emotions be a renewable resource? What if your eco-anxiety is actually the energy needed to catalyze change? Most climate discussions are so focused on policy, data, and optics, they become dehumanizing… but information does not move people, emotions do.

Join Narrative 4 and the global Climate of Emotions team, together with young leaders from UNICEF & SE4All, emotion scientists, storytellers, and activists of all ages in a youth-centered, interactive session to develop tools for inner sustainability and transform feelings into fuel for allyship, advocacy and action.

Virtual Event: Unable to attend the event in New York? Click here to share your advice & preferences for the Dec 2024 post-COP29 reflection circles, and the Spring ’25 conference + Climate of Emotions Toolkit training


In Partnership With



Event Details


  • Who should join?

Youth climate leaders + activists and change makers of all ages who want to engage with youth as peers and allies. This program is designed for people aged 13-99

  • Who will speak?

Everyone in the room; facilitators will be youth leaders from UNICEF & SE4All

  • Who’s organizing it?

The Climate of Emotions team including Six Seconds, Narrative 4, & Britt Wray’s Unthinkable.

  • What is it?

Climate of Emotions (COE) is an intergenerational program centering youth x emotions x climate x social justice. Since 2020, COE activations online & @COP have brought people together to use emotions as a resource for the inner work of sustainability. See the detailed Concept Note here.



  • Opening Session

Welcome and introduction to the Climate of Emotions conceptReview of the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing that we use as a baseline for community agreements at Climate of Emotions

  • Interactive Session 1: Taking Stock – Our Current Stories & Feelings

Sharing and reflecting on personal stories and emotions related to climate changeEngaging in key activities that promote awareness

  • Interactive Session 2: Looking Ahead – Radical Reimagination

Envisioning and exploring positive futures in the context of climate actionEngaging in key activities that promote resilience and systems thinking

  • Interactive Session 3: Commitment to Growth – Feeling Our Shared Purpose

Building a collective commitment to growth and understanding our shared purpose in climate activismRecognizing “self care is a radical act”Identifying needs and opportunities in the Climate of Emotions space to codesign the 2025 agenda

  • Closing Remarks
  • Summary of key insights and takeaways
  • Call to action and next steps for 2025

  • While valuing and honoring our feelings, shift some eco-anxiety into eco-optimism
  • Highlight the importance of emotional intelligence in driving effective and sustainable climate action
  • Engage with and transform our stories, “restory” to see feel and see new possibilities
  • Develop skills and habits of mind that promote awareness, resilience, systems thinking, and compassion.
  • Co-design the 2025 agenda for Climate of Emotions and build alignment to continue these efforts

Email: lee@narrative4.com